Tag Archives: lose

Unknown Trail Hike on Tam 7/60

I started later than I had planned, the weather was unseasonably warm, and the winding road up Mt. Tam was clogged with others out to enjoy the beautiful day. I knew before I got to the Pantoll Station parking lot that I wouldn’t be able to park and my hike was probably not going to happen as planned.

In fact, I was feeling a little lost and it had nothing to do with the hike. My younger brother, Beau, died less than two weeks ago, after a long illness. His health has beeen compromised,  but his death was still unexpected.

I needed get moving to help me process my feelings. I’ve found myself cranky, tired, and struggling with simple decisions. And now I couldn’t take the trail I wanted to try and I didn’t have a plan B. I was at a loss.

Continuing up the mountain I found a small lot that had space available. I pulled in and got out, needing to get on the trail, any trial.

This was the sign I found on the trailhead across from the parking lot and where I set out.

Before too long, the exceptional views started to bring me a sense of calm. I crisscrossed up the hillside, stopping at this swing, but it proved too high for me to clamber on for a ride.

A memorial plaque on a stone bench had this quote that touched me:

” Give me these hills and the friends I love. I ask no other heaven.”

It was still early for wildflowers, though the balmy weather made it feel like spring. A large patch of calla lilies was a good spot to leave a rock I had painted.

I finished the hike with a sense of restored equilibrium, at least for now.

Thank you for the visit.

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