Tag Archives: Valley

Three-Hike Weekend

Tam from Gold Hill Grade

I got in three great hikes over the three-day weekend.  On Friday morning I went up Gold Hill Grade, behind Dominican University in San Rafael.


This dirt fire road climbs up (and up) to two communication towers on San Pedro Mountain. Looking at the view of Mount Tam with the city of San Rafael (top photo) in the foreground gave me the opportunity to catch my breath as hiked upwards.

Stump in the trail

The first part of the trail is lined with eucalyptus trees and plenty of poison oak. Later I recognized oak, madrone and bay laurels.

Finally, a glimpse of the first tower.

Glimpse of Tower thru fog

I made it!  Time for breakfast.

Made it.

Yogurt, cereal and fruit

The fog is starting to burn off.  You can see the marina by Andy’s Local Market on Point San Pedro Road.

Marina by Andy's Market

More views…

McNears Brickyard


Tower #2

Tower Two

Looking back at the first tower.

First Tower & Tam

Heading back down the hill I snapped a few pictures of poison oak.  It was all over the place.

Red and Green Poison Oak

And a selfie for the road.

Gold Hill Selfie

On Saturday I went to Fairfax and started a nice loop hike in Deer Park, parking by the Fairfax San Anselmo Children’s Center.  It was a good hike, not as strenuous as the one the day before.

Golden Hillside

Dry Grassy Hillside

Worn Springs Trail sign

The communication towers I hiked to on Friday are barely visible on the upper left in this picture (if you click on the picture, you can see an enlarged version which makes it a bit more clear)..

San Rafael Towers

The buildings in the lower left corner of the photo below, are the school where the Fairfax San Anselmo Children’s Center is located, the start of my hike.

View down to school

Purple Mountain Majesty

Old Oak Tree

Another (different kind of) selfie.

Me & My Shadow

Trail thru trees

Today, Sunday, I chose the easiest hike of the weekend.  I went out to Tennessee Valley Beach.  I haven’t taken this hike in years as dogs are not allowed and I usually hike with a dog.  But Molly is up at Sea Ranch with my mom.

Trail Sign to Tennessee Beach

When I left San Rafael it was in the upper 70’s.  When I got to the parking lot by the trail head, it was 58 and foggy.

Tennessee Beach Trail

The first view of the Pacific Ocean from the trail.

First View of Pacific

Lagoon before beach


Queen Ann's Lace

Sweet Peas

Just before going out on the beach, I climbed uphill to an overlook (I wanted to see some progress on my Fitbit).

View down to beach

Tennessee Valley Beach

My selfie for this hike.

Beach Selfie

Some critters I saw along the walk back up the trail.  I think this one is a Giant’s fan.

Black & Orange


windswept grasses

Interesting rock formation (just for Dayna).

Rock Formation

Fog Lifting

The fog was lifting a bit as I hiked back to my car and headed home.

Thanks for stopping by.





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