Tag Archives: write

30 Day Journal Project for July

30 Day Journal Project badge - 500px

I’m doing this! Do you want to join me? It is 30 days of journaling, starting July 1, with artist Lisa Sonora posting daily prompts and inspiration. You can learn more about it here.  It’s also free – how cool is that?

A few years ago I signed up for a different month-long project: 30 Days of Creativity, and I did it for three years, with some variation in my participation. Here are some of my favorite creations:


Day 6: June 6, 2013, Mosaic Poppies Art Journal Page


Day 28: June 28, 2013, Collage Sand Gild Stamp Art Journal Page


Day 3, June 3, 2012, Icebox Cupcakes


Day 21: June 21, 2012, Bleach Pen T-Shirt


Day 2: June 2, 2011, Embossed Tins


Day 26: June 26, 2011, Fused Plastic Bags

You can look under the 30DOC tab up at the top of the blog to see all the projects I did over three years.

Last May when I couldn’t find 30DOC online, I just skipped it. I don’t know if it happened or not but I wasn’t part of it.  Of course I could have done it on my own, but there is something about doing it with lots of other people that I find compelling.

I’m excited and a little nervous to be starting this 30 Day Project, #30DayJournal, because I know it is a commitment. But I also know that when I push myself, I come up with some of my most creative work.  I purchased a new journal for the project and I cleaned off my craft desk.

Here is the before…


And after.





Ready to go! Care to join me? #30DayJournal

Thanks for stopping by.




Filed under Crafts

What inspires you?



1.aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something

I’m inspired by lots of different things. When I’m reading a novel set in a different culture, I may be inspired, for example, to cook curry for dinner.  Or  seeing a combination of colors in nature I may want to try them together in a card.

The other day I’d been struggling with getting my blog set up and my first posts written. I read this at the end of an email and it was just what I needed to read.

“Write for others to read,
Help for others to learn,
Be kind for others to feel,
Have peace for others to emulate,
Be humble to teach,
Always give thanks and dream.”

Karen Monroe

I asked my friend about it and she replied, “I wrote it in an effort to remind myself of what to strive for every day.”  Well, thank you, Karen for writing for me to read. I’m inspired.


Filed under Life