Tag Archives: grey

Happy Halloween, 2015 (with Costume Photos)


Hope your Halloween was a treat.  Here are two pumpkins and one very long squash I carved this year.

Rem carved this cheerful jack-o-lantern with a similar smiling gourd hanging above.


Our Halloween fundraiser at work was held on Thursday. I originally had hoped to do a group costume with some colleagues but not everyone was as enthusiastic about the idea as I was. Instead, I copied a Pinterest idea…but I didn’t pull it off the way I’d envisioned it: using grey scale makeup and black and white clothing and accessories to looks as if I were in a black and white film or photograph


I didn’t manage to get very good pictures – either the makeup was coming off, I had real problems with the makeup all day, or I was missing the proper shoes (above) or purse.  My niece, Leah, loaned me many of the pieces for this outfit. Aren’t these sunglasses perfect? Her black pumps finished the outfit but I was rushing to have Rem take these photos before he had to leave, and I had on my comfier sandals

My biggest problem with the makeup is that I didn’t get grey for the base. I put off ordering it, than couldn’t find it locally and didn’t want to drive into San Francisco (the toll, the parking) just for makeup. What a mistake! I bought white stage makeup and mixed it with black powdered eye shadow to create grey.


The color was uneven and dried too dark. It smudged off easily when I changed my glasses or fixed my wig. I get overheated and was sweating to the point that on certain areas of my face, I couldn’t even get makeup to stay on. I was dabbing and powdering all day. It was a bit of a fiasco.

Then when I got it on, it dried and cracked and itched.  The black eye shadow mixed into the white base was really causing problems. What a mess! I said to Rem it looked like elephant hide.

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For the party at work a theme for costumes was announced: a character from a TV show from the 60’s, 70’s or 80’s. I decided instead of trying to enact one certain person from a show, I would represent black and white TV, which is how I remember it being when I was a kid.


I named my creation Blanca Noir and of course she was an actress in black and white films and television. But tragically, once they started making movies and TV shows in color, Blanca was out of work. So sad.

In the end, Blanca Noir ended up being creepier than intended, but since it was for Halloween, I guess it was ok. It was weird when some of the black and white makeup came off (like when I ate lunch) and my own color showed through.

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Wearing pantyhose, heels, an elastic belt, a wig and so much makeup was too much for a full day at work.  It would have been better for just a few hours at a party.


I did have fun in spite of it and enjoyed the various reactions I got throughout the day. But I was really glad to get out of the get-up after work. Before I showered, I got a lot of the makeup off with cotton pads and Q-tips. I even had makeup in my ears!

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The next day I was feeling much more myself.


Hang on…


That’s more like it! Back in the pink.

Next year: something more comfortable!

Thanks for the visit.



Filed under Crafts

Black & White

Black & White

Here is a little preview of my Halloween costume.  Last year I was very colorful.

This year I’ve been working on something that is less colorful but very effective.  Almost all the items in the picture are part of the final costume: duct tape, black nylon mesh, white netting, grey chiffon and ribbon, crystals, beads, ribbon and thread.  The silver nail polish will be part of the whole ensemble but is not actually part of the costume.

Not shown but part of the costume: a wire wreath form and grey tulle.

Tune in Friday for costume photos!

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Filed under Crafts, Life

Long Sea Ranch Weekend

Beach through the Trees

Although we had a few days of really gorgeous weather when we went to Sea Ranch for the long Fourth of July weekend, I kept forgetting my camera when we went on walks.  I only remembered once the weather turned grey.

This mosaic is on a low wall by a gas station in the town of Gualala, just north of Sea Ranch.

Fish Mosaic

Here are some pictures from our weekend… with seals, Molly and Ariel.

Seals at Sea Ranch

Molly & Ariel at driftwood chapel

Shell Beach

Through the Trees

Molly starts a hole

Molly Digging


Silly Doggie

Ariel on the Beach

Ariel on the Rock

Running on the Beach

Thanks for stopping by.


Filed under Life